Journal of Professional and Vocational Education

Journal of Professional and Vocational Education (JPVE) has since 1999 published scientific articles written in Finnish, Swedish and English. JPVE publishes both empirical and theoretical articles (incl. reviews) on various professional and vocational education related topics, such as workplace learning, technology-enhanced learning, development of expertise and professional identity.

Journal has four (4) printed issues per year, and it follows a double-blind review process. JPVE is currently classified as type 1 (basic) scientific publication in accordance with the Finnish Publication Forum. It is published jointly by Finnish Vocational Educational Research Association (FiVERA) and The OKKA Foundation for Teaching, Education and Personal Development.


All manuscripts should be formatted in APA7 style and submitted as email attachments to Editorial Team: In addition, manuscripts should contain the following information: Title; author(s) name(s), email address(es) and affiliation(s); abstract (max. 200 words) and keywords (3-5).

  • Peer-reviewed scientific articles: 5000 words (max), including references. Exemplary structure of a manuscript:
    • Introduction
    • Background/Theoretical Framework
    • Method
    • Results
    • Discussion
    • References
  • Non-refereed articles and reviews: 2500 words (max), including references.

Furher information

For additional information in English, please visit platform.

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